Working with brands that put the environment first
The Outdoor Agency Ireland is committed to sustainability and seeks to conduct its business in a continuously more sustainable
manner. We love working with brands that have sustainability as an important part of their business strategy.
Smart Mileage
Efficient route planning to reduce unnecessary miles.
Our Brands
We love working with brands and retailers who also put the environment at the top of their agenda. Â
We are a paperless and embrace modern technology to help.
We commit to recycling all used goods were possible.

How we embrace sustainability
The only way we can continue to enjoy sport and outside is if we look after it. As the pictures show I have always embraced sustainable ways of working where we can continue to thrive but not at the expense of future generations. TOAIÂ is no different. I follow these simple rules:Â
Smart mileage: Efficient route planning to reduce unnecessary milesÂ
Brands: We love working with brands and retailers who also put the environment at the top of the agenda. Â
Plastic: No single use plastic will be used, and general plastic usage will be phased out.Â
Paperless: We aim to be Paperless and embrace modern tech to help.Â
Recycling: Recycles all used materials.Â
The future: When the technology is ready, and the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure adequate we will convert to Electric Vehicles. When we can afford to our carbon footprint will be calculated which we will offset by buying carbon off carbon capturing companies.
My Dad like the rest of us found his ‘happy place’ playing sport and being outside. He even managed the next step and represented his country in Table Tennis for many years. Unfortunately, Dad had a condition called Myotonic Dystrophy which is a muscle wasting condition. From the age of 35 the condition slowly eroded his body and his ability to embrace what he loved, sport. Dad finally lost his battle in 2013 at the age of 61. I will always try and raise money and awareness to help find a cure. I have raised money through many endurance events I regularly take part in. The most recent being the toughest mountain race in the World ‘The Dragons Back’ where my little team of 3 raised £3000 . I will continue to raise money doing events and take my Dads advice. ‘Use it while you’ve got it.’ Â
It is tough to watch our ‘High Street’ retail decline. However, our towns are going through a transition period which promote and encourage experiences in our town centres. Shopping, not just hospitality, is also experience. With experience in Community Development and regen most we know how important it is to strike the perfect balance where retail, entrainment and hospitality are equally essential for a healthy and thriving community. Also, those of us that love our ‘gear’ know how important it is to feel it, learn about it and try it etc. We will always promote the growing ‘shop local’ campaigns by ensuring retailers we work with have the most effortless and dynamic experience with the brands we represent. Â